Cub Scout Pack 680

Alexandria, VA

Upcoming Pack Events

Fall 2024

October pack meeting: Rocket Derby

Date: Saturday, October 5

Time: 3-5 PM

Location: Groveton Elementary School soccer fields

Wear: Class A uniforms

Building rockets: All families should build their rockets at home. If you need supplies, the pack has extra poster board. Talk to your den leader.

Building rockets at home is the best way to decorate to win a style category. Here are a tutorial and templates to help you build your rocket at home:

Tutorial rocket building tutorial

Templates Click to download rocket fin template Click to download rocket nose cone template

Launching rockets: Launching starts at 3 PM. Boys will build their own rocket at home, except sibling scouts can build a single rocket together. Each scout will have at least one opportunity to launch a rocket himself, and we’ll plan for a second round as time permits.

Please see our Rocket Derby rules page for more information.  There will be awards for longest flight time plus these show categories:

Show Categories:

Most Humorous
Most Patriotic
Most Colorful
Most Creative
Most Futuristic
Best Scouting Themed
Most Awesome (scout’s choice)

Scouting For Food – Distribution

Scouting for Food NCAC grocery bag Scouting for Food - a good turn for America

Saturday, November 2, 9 am – 12 pm (or another time decided by your den)

SFF is a nation-wide, one-day service project – the largest for the Boy Scouts of America.

Calling all scouts!  Pack 680 and Troop 680 are responsible for distributing notice stickers to over 2,500 homes.  We need 100% participation to ensure no scout or scouts have more territory than they can handle.

Each den will be assigned a neighborhood via email.  Click here for more information.

Scouting For Food – Collection

Scouting For Food action pictures

Troop 680 and Pack 680 collection: Saturday, November 9, 9 am – 12 pm

Pack 680 and Troop 680 distributed the flyers to tell our neighbors about Scouting for Food last weekend. Now we’ll be collecting the food that neighbors put out in front of their homes.

If you plan to…Then you should…
Pick up foodSign up here and then report to Groveton ES at 8:30
Weigh foodReport to Groveton ES at 9:45
Be on the “OOPS Crew”Report to Groveton ES at 11:00
Deliver food to the food bankSign up here and then report to Groveton ES at 11:30

Get the word out to your friends and neighbors via social media (next door, facebook, etc.)! If they are outside the collection area, they can bring the food to you, and we can get it to the staging area.

November pack meeting: STEM Night

Easily the coolest pack meeting in all of the National Capital Area Council!

When: Saturday, November 16, 6:00-7:30 pm (doors open at 6, pack meeting starts at 6:15 pm)

Location: Good Shepherd Catholic Church

Wear: Class A uniforms

Standby for a preview of this year’s experiments…

Check out our STEM history gallery to get an idea of what else we’ve done.

Check back later for more information on our program activities.